New TV, shall I bite?

21 Jan 2010
Been lurking on the TV thread for a few months now. Reading around it looks like the LG C1 seems to be the 'top dog'. I've now seen it drop just under the 1k mark (55"). Is now the best time to jump?
My only issue is the base, it's pretty big. I have a sound base it would sit on (unless I rearrange) but the base is longer. I'd like a swivel stand and have seen some on the rainforest. Anyone got any recommendations?
Been lurking on the TV thread for a few months now. Reading around it looks like the LG C1 seems to be the 'top dog'. I've now seen it drop just under the 1k mark (55"). Is now the best time to jump?

Yep. I cant see them dropping much more than that before it reaches the end if its shelf life. New models may well be out in the spring & it'll go in the 'reduced to clear/spring offer/clearance/managers special' section.
Saw last night that Richer Sounds was dropping LG prices a good amount, while Samsung have gone back up, madness. I can get 20% off at Samsung website as well, but even so the 94a which is the one i wanted still only gets in the £1k range when it was discounted before.

So i'm going to bite too. I was looking to buy next month and even being not convinced with OLED for my use the price of the B1 in 55" is very nice! I was going to go 65" neo qled.

Anyone got any big objections to the B1?
Seems a cracking TV for £800 IIRC. Means i can get something else at a later date and not feel so over the original budget.
B1 at £800 is a good deal. It's a little less bright than the C1 and 2 rather than 4 hdmi ports. The C1 at £925 is cracking too though.
B1 at £800 is a good deal. It's a little less bright than the C1 and 2 rather than 4 hdmi ports. The C1 at £925 is cracking too though.

I'm still sceptical on the OLED front, though i know they're great, and yeah the C1 is a no brainer if OLED is a certain for the user. I rang up Richersounds as none on the website to order, £780 delivered with their guarantee so am happy. Should be here end of next week :D
They all dropping now. Perfect time to buy, will be shifting stock which means new LG models will be coming around April time.
My 55" arrived today. Jeebus it's big!!! And the stand is a hefty beast. Had to rearrange a few things, but up and running in time for the big match tonight
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