New TV since Monday, could it be making me dizzy

13 Jul 2017
Can someone help - we had a new 50inch Panasonic TV on Monday and I am really concerned it is making me dizzy, I know it sounds crazy but on Tuesday morning I was so off balance I was wobbling like I was drunk. My eyes seem to blur with it too.
It has replaced a 37 inch plasma and is in the bedroom and it is about 3 metres away from me.
I really am dreading telling OH that I think the TV is a problem, but you can watch something like the news or the tennis and the picture is fine, then you can watch something else and it is like people walking fast or close up go blurred. I cant explain but it is more noticable in TV dramas rather than things in a studio like the news or Breakfast Time
Last night I turned it off as it was impossiblle to watch Lewis and watched Sky on my laptop.
It is a TX50EX700B Ultra HD 4k mostly am using HD either on TV or Sky HD.
It was from JL home and the help and demo was great, he showed us both HD and SD in Wimbledon etc the news - I just never noticed this fuzz/drag, can anyone advise me either if it can be changed by altering the settings - or showed I report it as a fault, but have no idea how to correctly say what it is.
Finally OH has been away since Tuesday and back Friday cant think of what to say regarding me not enjoying watching the TV - if John Lewis could bring the old one back I'd jump at it.
Apologies for long post - but am really after some ideas
Have you turned off all the post processing etc and see if its recurring? (or stopped watching said TV for 1+week?)
FWIW when I moved from a 32" to 49" TV before Christmas I had a week or two when I thought I'd made a mistake. Any kind of fast motion, especially zoomed panning shots looked horrible to me and made me feel weird. I fiddled with the settings but didn't find anything which helped. But after a while (I wasn't even aware of when) it just became a normal TV with no issues.

So give it a while. I don't suffer from motion sickness in real life, but one or two games on the PC (particularly Halflife2) have made me feel distinctly queasy after 15 minutes or so, and rotten for long after, so I may be on the borderline for motion-related issues. It's why I'm avoiding VR until it's either dirt cheap or comes with a motion sickness warranty.
Andrew thanks as you say it is weird - it is with fast motion or something walking past in front of a shot, I feel dizzy watching and my head whirls, I don't have motion sickness but I am certain it is down to the TV, have decided to speak with retailer and then also panasonic, will take your advice and see if it settles down - don't do gaming so no concerns there.
My concern is that JL did mention that in HD it would not be noticable and that at home it was running of one ariel and not TV's of multiple in showroom, clearly that isn't the case.
Try turning Intelligent Frame Creation off in the picture menu. Also in the picture menu set most things to low or off. Try it also with game mode on. It will be because of the difference in size and detail it will take you a couple of days to get used to it then you wont notice at all. its just your eyes adjusting to the larger screen.
turning game mode on with my amp on my dx902 introduces horrible lip sync , but if your not using a amp it will be a good test as it shuts almost everything else off
Try turning Intelligent Frame Creation off in the picture menu. Also in the picture menu set most things to low or off. Try it also with game mode on. It will be because of the difference in size and detail it will take you a couple of days to get used to it then you wont notice at all. its just your eyes adjusting to the larger screen.

This. I find myself feeling dizzy after watching a TV with whatever feature this is that makes it smoother. I think I'm adjusted for a certain 'speed' of motion on TV, these features that smoothen it out makes it look fast and makes me feel a little funny. Turn it off and I'm as happy as Larry though! Weird.
I guess VR is not for you either ! :)

Me neither. :)

I'm perfectly fine with VR, other than it being a bit blurry - it's just that setting on TV's that does it. A mates got a Samsung TV with that feature on and it's nauseating :p He doesn't even notice the almost sped up motion but I can see it almost immediately. I guess he's had it on so long it's just how the TV is for him.
Try turning Intelligent Frame Creation off in the picture menu. Also in the picture menu set most things to low or off. Try it also with game mode on. It will be because of the difference in size and detail it will take you a couple of days to get used to it then you wont notice at all. its just your eyes adjusting to the larger screen.

Some people seem very very susceptible to nausea with this kind of things - I guess like some get car sick and others don't - I can watch like 48 or 60fps film and its fine but some complain it looks unnatural or makes them feel sick.

Its also possible the TV does some kind of tricks like interpolation or inserting blank frames, etc. that you have no control over and some will always find that effects them negatively - I've noticed with more recent displays especially there seems to be some pronounced odd shimmeriness to whites and in fast motion its like they drop to half framerate and sometimes uneven frame output especially in panned scenes which has always been there a bit but seems far worse with monitors and TV since about 2011 or so for some reason.
as you already said, you still have a right to reject it, if you do not get along.
(per my earlier posts) ex700 seems to have lower qaulity hcx processing chip than its dx750 predecessor, and (I am not sure) a 60hz versus 120hz panel, which were
more common when 3d was the rage.
As other said, turning down motion process, on my older 4kPanansonic gave me best picture

edit: can find others but sdr settings
Vivid color Off
Adaptive Backlight Control Off
Ambient sensor On/Off
Noise reduction Off
MPEG Remaster Off
Resolution Remaster Off
Dynamic Range Remaster Off
Intelligent Frame Control Off
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