New TV time - 4k worth it?

9 Jun 2004
My TV's on its last legs so I've started looking for something new. There's no set budget, if it's worth paying the extra, with in reason, I'll pay it. The only set requirement is I want it 50inch+. It's just going to be used for general tv and football, no games and almost no movies.

What's everyone's views on 4k and curved screens? I understand there's little to no 4k content (at least what I'll watch) around but obviously if I buy something now I'm going to want to keep it for a few years by which time I assume there will be more content, including football. And are curved screens worth it or just a gimmick?

Any recommendations will be appreciated.
Thanks for the replies guys.

I did take a look in Currys yesterday and we're now leaning towards a 65 inch screen and as a result would be willing to go up to £2,500. Looking at the models you've suggested haszek, I'd be needing to stretch my budget up to £3,000 if I want the 65 inch screen.
I've got Sky & BT but not likely to get a 4k blu ray player. As above it's only going to be used for football on top of every day use. I wouldn't say I desperately need a 65" screen but it would be nice - 55" would be fine though. And no, sorry :p
Thanks for all the advice guys. I bought the Samsung UE55JS8500 this afternoon. I'll get it all set up tomorrow and let you know what I think.
It was a toss up between the 2 but seeing as it's main use is going to be watching football the Samsung edged it.
Early verdict ? I've just ordered the same set so interested in your view !

Coming from a 10 year old Sony LCD it's fantastic. Only finished setting it up late last night and been at work most of the day so all I've managed is a couple of 4k YouTube clips which were breath-taking.

If I get time I'll write something later but don't be expecting anything technical because I've not got a clue.
Hoping to trade-in the damaged UE32H5500 to get the £250 cashback - Samsung rep in-store at JL reckoned this would be fine, so.......

I was told when I bought mine that Samsung won't even check to see if the TV exists let alone works. You just fill the model details in and they'll send you your money.
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