New tyres needed soon any suggestions?

6 Apr 2011
My rear bt 021 only has 1.6mm left so only a few hundred miles looking at switch both front and rear at the same time never really got on with the bt's looking to spend less than £250 and want some thing more "sporty" so people what are your personal favourite tyres?

My bike is an er6f so 160 rear and 120 front
just rang up my local tyre shop and he recommend the pilot power 3's and can do them £225 fitted for the pair and the pilot road 2's for £190 fitted and the 3's for £220 fitted to much choice

he also said the the Diablo Rosso 2 where a good choice and could do them for £210 fitted anyone had experience with them?
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in Warwickshire my friends uncle owns a motorcycle repair/service place and because i kinda know him he can give me a good deal :)
Thanks for the help guys I'm most likely going to go with the pilot road 3's all thought I'm still debating the power 3's the tread pattern looks nicer (stupid I know :P)
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