This has been released to show perhaps the main baddie in 2011 GOTY Uncharted 3, obviously will be a spoilerish.
Doesnt she look like Helen Mirren and one of the blokes like Jason Statham?
Well main problem was characters and odd gameplay stuff. Like I hate the enemy popping out so cartoonishly to pose and pop a shot (mainly one handed gun guys doing a cowboy like pose) but also the characters just never meant anything to me. Joking and having something to say about everything grated on me and I liked the odd character like Sully and Chloe but Drake and the reporter (forgot her name) just seemed to be there to quick fire jokes back to one another.
I'd like to remind anyone that I said I still like the games but just consider them vastly over rated. No matter what facet you speak of whether it be pacing, characters, story, puzzles etc. they all get gushed about but during play none of it really resonated with me. Drake only became likeable right at the end of Uncharted 2 for me (---spoiler, don't read if not completed---) with the clown joke (---spoiler end---) which I actually found funny and a little character building whereas the rest of his character is just usual hollywood. Gameplay is good but let down by the design which did feel like it was a bit too much just running into a bunch of enemies and shooting them to me. Doesn't help that I like to roam around and hugging the sides of the levels to try and veer off onto different courses led me nowhere but the linear single path to be trodden. The stories seem average because it's just usually a bad guy chasing treasure that drake ends up stopping and there's always a twist of some name dropping of who's treasure it is (like marco polo I believe, in Uncharted 2) followed by some monsters 3/4's of the way in.
I had a massive laundry list of complaints but didn't keep it really since it was a waste of time but in the end I just was disappointed with the amount of flaws I saw on such a highly praised title. Main problem is I find it predictable, there's always a vehicle he crashes and survives in (this time a plane), always a cliche villain (this time a british chick), always sully (like that one actually lol), always some treasure, always some monsters and always some evil mercenaries. The games are so predictable that I could probably write it myself and become a gaming icon for another 'masterpiece' of repetitive design and repeating story structure. To say the museum was the highlight of uncharted 2 would be an understatement in a game that took what uncharted 1 did and just set it in another location.
Sorry if I'm ruining the thread for anyone and I WILL (so long as I'm not asked about the flaws etc.) keep to the positives of the game in this thread from here on.
Yeah I completed them both back to back as I was not interested in it at first but then everyone said number 2 was so good so I borrowed them both and went through both of the campaigns. Only thing I missed was multiplayer on Uncharted 2 as I never gave that a go.
The characters strook me more as stereotypical hollywood rather than indie, after all he seems more like a han solo, die hard or Indiana jones style character that has been done a lot and a long time ago. Well I don't see why you would complain about roids driven space marine bro's but then not about other stereotypes equally done to death. Doesn't that seem biased in a way to put one side down so much and then respect another set of stereotypes?
That is the problem I have with uncharted, it does things by the numbers like other games yet somehow has people convinced its original and perfectly done. I don't feel like I'm talking to rational people when they praise it as one point you show a fair comment saying many games have these problems (fair enough but uncharted still displayed all of them to a bigger degree) yet say its a great game but others that follow similar stereotypes are bad? There's some weird bias or prejudgement going on here or just a massive preference for certain archetypes blocking any rational judgement on whether the game achieves new ground or delivers in better ways etc.
You say its the best TPS for example but I found MGS 4 to have far better gameplay, less linearity, less stereotypical characters, better story, more precise aiming, better and more varied weapons, better done stealth and was just generally better all round. So that's an example of a far better game that does everything better in my opinion on the PS3.