New V350 Build

2 May 2006
Hi guys,

I'm really close to buying a V350b for my new pc, I was wondering though - does anyone have any experience with a 280 gtx inside the case? The choice is that or a 4870. If it helps i'm also planning on getting the 4gb 6400 reaper hpc ram kit and the mobo will be the P5E-VM with a mini ninja.

Anyone know if it'll fit? or am i out of luck? I really don't want to order it and have it not fit haha.

One more question - is it worth it to replace the 2 fans it comes with? the 120mm and 80mm?

I've had lousy luck with this cpu cooler - and my pc has been randomly freezing!! Wanted to swap out the ram and try a new cooler - has anyone tried the scythe Zipang?? It looks massive but perhaps it fits? Has anyone had any luck with that? I'd love a cpu cooler that can utilise the motherboard tray.
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