New VNV Nation Album

11 May 2004
Looks like the guys are bringing out their new album "Judgement" in a couple of days and I can't wait. :D

I'm a long time VNV fan and from the samples of the new album they've got up on their site, it sound like there's some great songs there. I'm particularly liking the song Nemesis :)

Any other VNV fans here?
Hang on, since when has a couple of days been over a month? :eek:

April 10th for the US, 14 of May is listed for UK. :(

Un;ess its listed wrong, in which case I take back previous comments. :)
Moredhel said:
Their site says 5th April for EU and 10th of April for the US.

So it does, I retract my previous comment and look forward to buying an album on a Thursday. :)
Its a damn fine album. I couldnt wait....I will be buying it though. Strong tracks being, Secluded spaces, illusion, for the mellow side of things. Nemesis, farthest star and testament are typical vnv but tighter, more refined and production has never sounded better for them. They've done themselves proud.
BloodWolf said:
Nemesis sounded good till the guy started singing. :/

*points at old man voice comment*

I like VNV...I really do...

...But if only he didn't sound like my grandad.

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