New watercooling rig, instead of peltier

6 Feb 2004
this was the original thread the other week:

Well i didnt have that sort of cash to throw around for a Peltier system, although i would have loved it. due to decorating the spare room... nice wood laminent floor, I didnt have the cash.
Any way here are the results. The kit:

Chieftec case full tower
PA120.3 inc 3x Panaflo 120 fans (these make a racket so only got 2 on atm)
Storm G4 block (had this for about 6 months now)
12v DCC pump
nv6800 danger den block
clear dual floppy res (was going to try the 5 1/4" but was out of stock)
3/8 tubing
Cooling an Opteron 146 @ 2.85Ghz

Day 1

I had to mount the Rad some where, Surly wasnt going in to the Case, Although the case is a monster. So I mounted it to the 80mm hard drive fans grill on the motherboard side, Using a 80m to 120m converter. (cunning i thought)

This was me trying to get the tubing right, I decided to go outside the case. Sort of Hybrid.. half in half out.

Day 2

Got the tubing all sorted, Im please with the result, however im still thinking of a peltier system, Might just go the full whack and get a phase change in the next couple of months.

- I do relise that leak testing in the case isnt ideal. As there was a pudle on the 6800gt but anyhow...

Day 3

Desk all built after decorating etc. time to overclock and see if the tmps are any better than that dual heater core i had. I kind of like the effect that the clear res has on top of the case.

Any way, you like or dislike?
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Thanks, I will take you advice, however i dont agree with point 3, in reality it makes no difference wahat so ever.

I have tried both, I prefer 3/8 ID tubing.

Thanks a lot the for advice about the DCC. :)

edit - Any information floating about for the DCC mod? And doing it, is it going to reduce temps noticably?

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I used to own the 1250, what a monster! so ive decided for the little DDC12v (MCP350) - Much easier to use mount etc...

Lol about the leather chair.... I dont think about the feel of my bum, i just want nice looking screens... ok ive got to get up now. Its hurting.
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