New website advice

23 Mar 2007
Hi all

I am in the process of looking into building my own website for a small local business i am thinking of starting. Not looking for anything big just want to give it a try to be honest.

I am thinking of using wordpress, never used it before but from my research it seems to be the most basic place to start. The one thing i was looking for advice on was images on my site. I have been looking at some of the free image websites but wasn't to sure how it worked with regards to the licensing of the images and if i would actually be allowed to use them on a website and business cards.

If anyone would be so kind to lend me some advice id be really grateful

Cheers guys

Just have a few questions, if you don't mind,

1)What kinda of images are you looking for?
2) How many pages does the website have to be?
3) What's the website being used for?

Hi Aston

Of course not,

The image i am looking for is more of a character as such that i would like to use to represent my site. It's an I.T 'Whizz Kid' which is going to be what my business is looking to offer.

There doesn't need to be many pages for the site and there appears to be some good free wordpress templates out there that i could use as a platform. I guess i just need to play around with the application to see how it works and get a feel for it.

The website is going to be used for promoting my local I.T business solution, that's the plan anyway. Not looking for anything to big if i am honest, just looking to see where it might be able to go.

Thanks for your help
I would use a website like Think you might need to sign up, You could all ways just find a free template and change it as needed.I am doing a computer degree at the moment and have made many website either from a template or from blank, I am more than willing to give you a hand or advice.
Thanks for that Aston, the website you mention is the one i have actually been looking at. Although the image i like actually seems to take me to another site where you have to pay for the image. I guess i will have to read the FAQ to find out the licensing side of things and if i can have the image on my site.

What templates have you used to create sites from? When you have created from blank do you use html or a different language? I have considered learning html to maybe give it a go from scratch but thought maybe if i use wordpress to begin with it might be a good starting point
instead of going to a free stock image site, why dont you just go to one and pay for the image

wont be a lot of money
instead of going to a free stock image site, why dont you just go to one and pay for the image

wont be a lot of money
Hi Paul

I have no problem in paying for an image at all but i just wasn't to sure where i would stand with the license side of things with the image. Would i be able to brand my business around this specific paid image?

Yes i do to be honest or at least let them check the images you are wanting to use.

Is it an expensive outlay to get an image designed? I really dont want anything that big but wondering if its overkill for what i am wanting to do
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Finally decided on my image and made a purchase. Been looking at the various free wordpress themes but cant decide which one would be best suited. Could anyone recommended me a good theme to start with that's fairly easy for a beginner?
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