New Website Advice

31 Jan 2011
Hi All

Looking to design a new website for my other half's company (accountant) Im happy to give this a go myself but would like to use some sort of "what you see is what you get" software. Im certainly no programmer. I know how to host it point domains etc. But somthing like WIX looks so simple and the websites look great.

Do i go WIX? or similar?

Invest in some software thats similar? any suggestions?

In the future she would like a client login portal to share documents and clients upload documents.

Any suggestions welcome
Work as a web dev so might be able to point you in the right direction!

Hope some of that is useful - apologies for the wall of text!

Thank you for the very informative post, I will take a look into wordpress and see what i can figure out. I dont mind investing a bit of time as the website does not need to go live until January really.

my only concern with something like wordpress is if doing a client login how is the security handled? Am i responsible for updating the security patches/updates? I have considered hiring a consultant to get me going but telling them that i want to manage the site myself in future for speed etc.
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