New website idea, unsure how to implement it

18 Oct 2002
So I have an idea for a website, something that will hopefully be community based as well as combining by hobby of photography with another hobby of mine.

I don't want to go in to specifics but the website will require the following:

  • A discussion area
  • A way of adding reviews, both quantative and qualitative by members of the website
  • A way of ranking the reviews
  • Adding pictures

I envisage there being additional areas of functionality which I could implement further down the line but the above would be a good start.

Let's say my website was about dogs. I'd want there to be a section for a Labrador. Users can then review the Labrador add pictures of the Labrador, then the Labrador could be ranked against other breeds of dogs to see which was best. You may then want to filter down the types of dogs based on different parameters such as hair colour, eye colour, whether they are fierce dogs etc. All hypothetical but gives an idea of what I am trying to achieve.

I know how to register the domain, web hosting and I also have a vBulletin license. My main issue is how to get this off the ground without paying a lot of money for a customised solution from scratch.

I'm not a coder although I can fiddle about with things myself on a very basic level. Is there anything out of the box, or a plug in for vBulletin that would help me achieve what I am looking to do?
So you want to do a website where people can talk, post and ranking and adding photos?

Some type of forum springs to mind...

Yes, that was mentioned in my opening post. The integration of the other requirements is the key here, maybe there is a plug in for vBulletin that I am unaware of?
Yes, that was mentioned in my opening post. The integration of the other requirements is the key here, maybe there is a plug in for vBulletin that I am unaware of?

Unless theres a way to make a front end website that you can post the most popular reviews from the forum. The forum can be directed to via a link button on the main site?

I dont know how complicated it is mind you.
So I have an idea for a website, something that will hopefully be community based as well as combining by hobby of photography with another hobby of mine....

I'm not a coder although I can fiddle about with things myself on a very basic level. Is there anything out of the box, or a plug in for vBulletin that would help me achieve what I am looking to do?

Send me an email in trust, we can discuss what you want and we can discuss percentages.
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