New Website Questions

6 Jun 2011
Hey guys,

I've just been asked by a friend if I could create her a website for a business that she is trying to start up. I'm interested in doing this because I have a bit of experience creating websites normally just from HTML.

For this site I was thinking of giving wordpress a go to try and make the site look professional whilst making it easy for her to make changes when needed. Does that sound reasonable? I just want to make sure before I get into it.

Also does anyone have any suggestions about how to do this on a budget? It's her first website so she is not wanting to spend loads. I think she might want her own domain name but in terms of things like hosting where are good places to get a basic website hosted either for free or very cheap?

Thanks :)
6 Jun 2011
There is a couple of things you could do. You could Wordpress as you have said, the problem with it is that sometimes you can't arrange like you want too. What i would do if i was you is find a free template from a website and change it to your friends needs, I am doing a computer degree at the moment and have made many website either from a template or from blank, I am more than willing to give you a hand or advice.

Aston :)

Thanks for the response and the offer :)

I was thinking in a similar way to what you have posted. For example I had a quick look at templates because I have gone down that route before however it hasn't always been easy for the person who it's for when they come to edit things.

I looked at this website as an example:

There are a couple of nice HTML5 templates which I could modify I just don't know if it's the best outcome for them. The other problem is hosting as well if I go down that route.

Thanks again :)
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