New windows 10 PC- my documents is now in onedrive? No thanks

25 Dec 2009
We just custom built a new PC and it is my first experience with windows 10, but a few hours in I've noticed my onedrive being filled up, and apparently the default 'documents' folder is part of it, instead of the old style users/my documents? I've been installing random programs and games and they've been putting part of their stuff into my onedrive, I'm not keen on this in the slightest. How do I change this so it isn't defaulting stuff into THAT folder? That's a really weird thing to do.
I like onedrive, I have the 100gb version and use it to store various documents. I just don't want windows to be using onedrive/documents as my default my documents folder.
Why is it a weird thing to do. It makes perfect sense. It's a roaming profile then, game save data, etc would all be available if your PC died and you had to rebuild or buy another...
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