New Windows Reg code...

23 Oct 2005
Hey guys, here is the story

Built a new system, went with Windows xp 64, realised it wouldnt work with ANY of my audio production equipment, realised I had my old xp disc from my old set up just as I was about to pay for a new one...Stuck it in, installed windows xp, everything a dream...Except coming to register it! See, the reg. code for the disc, was stuck to the back of my old PC, which, when the new one came alone, went in the back of the skip!! So now Im wondering how to register this copy of windows.

My copy is fully legit and bought for the purpose of the old system, as well as the legit version of xp64 that would have been used otherwise. So how do I go about registering this product? I don't want to fork out for another copy (obviously), as I have a good one sitting here.

I know it sounds bad, but I was searching the auction sites, and saw a few unregistered codes and all the jazz that would be needed...Could I just buy one of these, and use it to activate everything...Or would there be a problem either technically, or over stepping a serious moral ground?


Unfortunately we cant help.

What you have is an OEM copy of windows that is designed to be installed only on the PC it came with. YOu are not allowed to install it on any other machine.

Sorry mate thats just the way it is.
why is it only designed for the pc it was installed on?

Sorry, OEM?...not quite sure how this all works...

This version didnt come with my old build....I bought it stand alone, to upgrade the whole shebang to xp
Why was the code stuck to the back of the old PC? Normally this is done when windows is purchased with PC, or you buy some hardware and get windows with it.

This make's OEM software which in effect means it is only for licensed usage with that machine or hardware.

OEM Explained:
Go through the setup and enter a random activation'll give you an error and give you options, one of which is to ring MS and provide some long number to them.

They're pretty helpful (infact by default it's automated) so you should get an activation code alright :)
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