New WOW Server

9 Feb 2009
Hey all,

I am wanting to play on a new wow server (new to me anyway hehe) and im looking for suggestions please I dont do PVP so none of them please just the PVE server.

Are you talking about Private server or Blizzard one? If it's a Blizzard one then what servers have you played on, what did you like and not like about them? Are you thinking of starting a fresh main or moving your main over? Do you role play or don't you mind it but not take part? Horde or Alliance?

A few things need to be addressed before jumping in to a new server. Hope I/we here can help you decide. :)
Hey, I am wanting to start fresh and not bothered about faction i dont mind roleplay but dont do it, I was on Draenor and Argent Dawn before that but just bored want to start from scratch. Hope that helps
Ok cool. Have you any intention to start a guild or join one or are you looking to quest and level with a small group of like minded people? Or go it alone?

This site might help you choose a server. Its full of info like how many H to A, classes and races etc.

When you say a fresh start are you talking about a totally new account or just starting a new toon on a different server?

Edit: from what I have gathered from my time in the game choose what faction you want and select the server with the most of that faction. An equal-ish ratio between H and A is best for pvp iirc.
I enjoy being in guilds wont start one been there done that dont need headache again hehe and its new toon im wanting to start. I enjoy leveling solo mostly but enjoy guild for social aspect.

Thanks for trying to help Droolinggimp
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