New X-Men 3 trailer

24 Jul 2003
South East Coast
Was checking apple's site and came across this

Completely new trailer. It look's ok but I dunno there's something about it that doesn't look right, the overuse of wirework seems pretty apparent to me, and the scene with Juggernaught chasing that small X-Men through the house doesn't look like all it's cracked up to be either.
Looks like its going to be good. I'll definitley be going to see it, same month as MI:3 as well. :)
I can't remember!... I think there was a story called 'Death of the Hulk' or summut!?!, but I think Dr Banner just went into hifding good n' poper looking for a cure so he could come back later on...

sort of like DC when they killed Superman, then brought him back!...
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