New Zealand. Rotorua --> Interislander Ferry

20 Oct 2002
Me again! I dont think this set is as good as the others, but i thought i'd post some for continuity's sake. I'm working through my pics chronologically ya'see. :)

(1) Looking over Lake Rotorua. I think i'm missing some here, here's the best i found.

(2) Anyone who goes to NZ has to go Zorbing in Rotorua!


Ok i know they're not that exciting :p

I was thinking of entering one of the Maori ones into the candid competition. That or another one i havent processed yet. Any thoughts on that? I havent entered one of the comps before :)
Hi Scam,

I am quite new to photography but will say what I think as no one else has yet.

I like nr. 1 because there is so much to look at and I find it quite an interesting picture.
nr. 2, 3 and 4 don't seem to do much for me and I don't think there is enough in the shots to look at and some are quite soft.
nr. 5 is nice, quite funny too.
nr. 6, 7, 8 , 9 and 10 are all good, but they seem quite noisey, have you tried to reduce the noise a little bit?
I really like nr. 11, but think it might need a little bit more saturation, it has a lot of potential.
I will let other people comment on the other photo's, nr.14 is my next favourite.
Hey thanks for the reply. I stuck the Zorb ones up just because Zorbing was so cool :D

As for the Maori ones, yeah they're all hella noisy. I was shooting on full auto (as everything i had tried with a flash prior to that was shockingly bad) and i had to up the exposure to x4 in Camera RAW. Hence loads of noise! Can't really get away from that -- it was just really dark!
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