Newbee Says Hello!

17 Jul 2011
Northamptonshire, UK
Hello all and WOW, a great forum and website from ocuk!

Im looking for some help with all the jargon and abrieviations to do with computer components and there specs ect?
I understand that it might appear lazy of me not to research this myself, however there is a minefield of info on the net and im a starter in terms of the nitty gritty mechanics/electronics of a pc.

So rather than loose myself i thought there maybe a few people who can teach me from the get go and then as i get clued up i will be able to push for further understanding ect. Well thats my theory anyway! :rolleyes:

I have been using pc's and laptops since about 10/12 years old, ok it was an Amstrad cpc464 with green screen :p lol moving on later in life to a Dell pc with windows ME in early 2000/2001. Then onto a Fujitsu/Siemens laptop windows XP. Now i currently use a Toshiba Laptop VISTA which i've had since 2007 and refuses to die. Anyway what im getting at is i can use them but dont understand them at all. :confused:

My goal is to be clued up on what each component does exactly and understand from a technical point of view there specs. ;) A family member has offered to build me a PC with a budget of about £500-£600 It's time i understood more about a machine that i spend hours of my time on.

So if you can help and you have picked yourself up of the floor from laughing so much at my computer ownership, i would really apreciate your help.

Cheers olsaai :D
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