newbie DDR memory question

1 Nov 2002

I have an old AMD XP2500+ Barton cpu with 1gb DDR PC3200 400MHz 184pin Ram that I bought in 2003.

I'm thinking of getting a AMD 64 venice 4000+ cpu and what I want to know is , do I need to upgrade my memory?

I understand that the 4000+ cpu uses dual channel DDR. Is this different from the DDR PC3200 400MHz 184pin Ram that I already have?

If so, what's the difference between the dual channel stuff and the stuff I already have?

Many thanks,
sorry, but do you think you could elaborate a bit?

Is Dual channel DDR different from the DDR PC3200 400MHz 184pin Ram that I already have?


The ram you ave is fine for A64 systems as it uses DDR PC3200 400MHz 184pin Ram

This is what you have.

Dual channel just means there is 2 banks of ram running together in dual channel.

2 x 512mb sticks

or 2x 1 gb sticks etc....

So if you only have 1 stick of 512mb for example you would need to buy anther stick of DDR 400 to run with it in dual channel.

However the one stcik will run fine on its own in a sigle channel configuration.
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