Newbie Help

23 Jul 2006
Ok, I'm not actually a newbie, but there's been some time since I built a PC and I have been disconnected from PC magazines and all.

I've been reading about power supplys and the new connectors and all that stuff. I'm kinda messed up. My current PSU is a nomake 500w with one serial ata connector, and the normal stuff ... the 20pin ATX, the 4pin ATX, and the whole lot of 5.25 and 3.5 connectors. That's about it. Pretty normal I should say.

But my question is that I want to build a PC, with a possibility to do a Crossfire configuration in the near future. And I've been reading that it seems that the power supplys need to have a lot more connectors now, due to SLI/Crossfire, Intel Core 2 Duo, etc etc.

So in general what should I be looking for in a PSU, from now on. Also, if there are any websites that I can learn from, I will greatly appreciate it.

Please understand my lack of up-to-date knowledge, and don´t tell me to @#$%& off :) .

I greatly appreciate all your contributions.


Thanks very much for the reply. I greatly appreciate it. Any help is welcomed.

About your suggestion, I haven't seen any that say SLI/Crossfire ready. I suppose many of them will be if they provide the right connectors, but I just need to know a bit more about this, because I'm lost in all of this PCI Express x16, x8, stuff and their subsequent connectors.

I hope for someone to show me the light to follow, too :cool: .

Many thanks,

Thank you very much

Well, thank you very much. Your help is greatly appreciated. I never thought of such a response from you guys :).

At least now I know what makes of PSU's I need to go for.

Next question. Which is better SLI or Crossfire? I read that ATI's implementation is a bit more flexible, but dunno why. I've seen that with ATI's, you need a master card and then a slave one. Is it the same with Nvidia?

Well, again, I can't stop thanking you for your replies.

PS: what's all the fuss about modular PSU's and sleeved cables? thank you.
BillytheImpaler said:
Modular PSUs and sleeved cables make the case tidier. Modular means that you can disconnect unused leads rather than trying to hide them. Sleeved cables means that the wires will be bound together and will be generally smaller-looking and tidier.

Crossfire can be considered more versatile becasue SLi requires that the game support it. Crossfire works with all games. With the latest drivers ATi's X1900 range no longer needs a master card for crossfire. Expect cards released in the future to continue the trend.

Thanks very much dude. I owe ya a pint for the answer :D. I was actually thinking in buying a 1950 PCI Express card and then buy a second one in sometime. I suppose they have to be identical in order to work. And that all cabling needed will come with them (I think there's the need to connect them through a cable).

Again thank you all for your help,

PS: any good site to read about news and reviews?
WJA96 said:
Indeed. What I meant to say was it might be a plus point if he was building a system where temperature build-up could be an issue. Sometimes you can put a very hot PSU into a case with no problems, sometimes it can give huge problems. I'll stop digging myself in deeper now. :rolleyes:

I don't think heat is a problem. My case is always open :p, that's why. My problem is finding the right components. Regarding PSU's I more or less have it clear now (thanks to you, obviously).

As I said in an earlier post, I want to go for an ATI 1950 because I heard is very good for games, supports widescreen LCDs and crossfire too. My question is if it has to be the exact same card (make, model, memory) to use crossfire and if it needs special cabling to connect both cards, or is it included.

Thanks very much lads,

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