Newbie RAM Query.........

2 Oct 2004
N.W London

Can someone kindly explain CAS please as I am interested in purchasing this RAM...

Corsair 2GB DDR Value Select PC3200 CAS3.0 Kit

I also see CAS 2.5 and so on and so forth...

Is this just marketing jargon or will it make a difference when overclocking....

Thanks in advance...

hey thanks....

So if CAS 2 offers more performance compared to CAS 3 due to clock cycles etc...does this mean CAS offers more performance than CAS 2??

Just trying to be logical....


Thanks in advance
Is the fastest mem timings on a 1:1 divider?

I noticed I have the ability to change CAS, TRS etc etc in my bios when overclocking...

Ideally what should these be set to? Or am I trying to generalise it too much?

Alternatively does CAS, TRS etc make the RAM run even quicker if you set the RAM to a 1:1 divider? As you say you increase the RAM timings when you increase the FSB so I am just wondering how to tackle that?

Or does nobody bother changing the CAS, TRS etc settings when overclocking?
Hey ladforce...

You have raised a lot of good points....

ATM I have increased the fsb on my machine from 200 to 235 and its stable...
without changing the RAM timings..

I then tried changing the RAM timings from 1:1 DDR 200 to 5:3 DDR 333 and then increasing the fsb to 240 but my machine was not stable...Thereafter I tried diff combinations DDR 266 4:3, DDR 400 2:1 but the system was still unstable.

Therefore I wondered whether changing CAS, TRS and others RAM settings in the BIOS would help me increase the FSB to 245 or even 245??

I am an overclocking n00b, I mainly followed diff guides to find the limit of the CPU, multi, htt and RAM but so far I have only got as far as changing the CPU and Multi which has enabled me to run my system stably at 235...As far as HTT and RAM are concerned I have not been that successful. Altho that said I did lower the HTT from 1000 to 800 but didnt see much of a diff so set it back to 1000 and with the RAM I just tried diff dividers as I am not that confident of what to do with the individual settings??? Someone told me I shouldnt bother with things such as CAS, TRS and other ram details when overclocking however they did mention it was important to set a divider...I have 4 x 256mb ram sticks of PC3200 which I am running on a 1:1 divider
its currently running at 195mhz instead of 200mhz?

If you can offer more advice with regards to the above I would be really grateful...

when i decreased the multi I got a higher fsb and its all about getting the fsb to a higher and stable setting so I was told...

I use cpu z and my ram is running at 195mhz....

Everytime I changed the divider my system was unstable on prime etc...

However I was just wondering what else I could do to change the RAM which would help me increase the fsb....

Also change the vcore and its stable with decent temps early 40's which is not bad for a amd 64 3500 newcastle....

So as I ran out of ideas I gave up but your post inspired me again....I think I wont change anything now though becuz I am not confident it will do much...

I have tried the RAM on all diff multiplers...

Thanks mate
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