newbie to folding at home

11 Dec 2002
Hi guys and gals.

Im new to all this FAH stuff but enjoying it lots at the moment as ive moved up the rankings already (probably because no one else is doing it)

Nowthen ive seen a few folks mention the difference between gpu an cpu folding. can you elaborate. This is a cad machine and im working on it while its folding so is it wise to use the gpu? is it set automatically by the FAH client? or do i need to be messing about with stuff?


You can normally set how aggressive the folding is (i.e. 50%, 75%, 100%) so the best thing like for me is when I'm at work and asleep and not using the PC it is being used for something positive. There's nothing wrong with disabling the folding when you are using the machine.

Most people on this forum though have dedicated folding rigs or work computers crunching for them so don't feel like your rig isn't contributing like the mammoths in these parts! ;-)
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