Newbie to the photography world - camera advice please

15 May 2006
I have always taken a mild interest in photography, and about a year ago nearly bought a canon 300D, but never did. I posted a thread the other day here ( ) as im looking for a new camera.

However instead of spending £200 on a normal camera, surely i would be better investing this money in a camera to get my foot in the door in the photography world.

In the afforementioned thread i was recommened a Fuji Finepix S6500, however these are around £250 etc. I found the model below (Finepix 5600) for £141.50 at a local retailer, however im not sure if this is a good enough camera for me to begin to get a grasp of photography or not. For example can i use different lenses with this etc?

Any advice is much appreciated as im out of my depth here.

Thank you all.
Taff has an S2-IS for salein the MM for less than £200 which is a cracking camera for the money- they have fully auto, Fully manual, app and shutter priority (Along with loads of ohter modes).

Well Worth A Look

unfortuantly i dont have access to that area of the forum yet. Maybe someone could point him this way?

I assume i would be able to use different lenses and such with the canon. Out of the two im also making the assumption the canon is better?
Thankyou very much!

anyone with any other advice for me? can i use different lenses etc with the fuji and the canon? and whats all this iso ap af buisness about! Being looking at some websites today and have yet to find a beginers/idiots guide about the basics.
Sorry Matt, but my Canon S2 has now been sold.

Good luck with deciding on a camera
Same as my original recomendation, Either spend a little more on a used Minolta A2, or even less on the Minolta A1. These are fantastic cameras, and will give you a reall idea of what it is like to shoot with an SLR, without lossing all the auto stuff you get with Compact cameras.

If you are looking to spend around £250 or so, then a used Canon D30 (not 30D) can be found for around that including a cheap lens. A fairly old model now, but still a cracking camera. Also nice on the used market: Canon Pro1, Nikon coolpix 5400.
ideally i would like new. I assume the fujitsu i asked about isnt all that due to the lack of comment about it?
Mattw said:
ideally i would like new. I assume the fujitsu i asked about isnt all that due to the lack of comment about it?

I hardly ever buy new. What is the point of wasting money to be the first to open some packaging? I purchased most of my lenses used, and only buy new when I can't find it used, or if I have the opertunity to fly to NY and buy it form B&H ;) .
Those shots from the Fuji look nice.

My main concern is-

How does the lense fitting system work on cameras? is it universal or specific to manufacturer etc. I dont want to buy a camera and lenses, then buy a better one two years later to find the lenses dont work any longer.

Oh and if it helps, i raised my budget to £400!
The Fuji being mentioned has a fixed lens, it can't be replaced with another one. It's only when you get into the DSLR realm that lenses can be changed, unfortunately each of the major manufacturers has their own lens mount design so once you buy the body you're really buying into a system which can be expensive to switch away from if you get it wrong. This is why most people will go with either Nikon or Canon because they have the widest ranges of lenses and are highly unlikely to disappear overnight.
Ok well i have decided to take the full plunge and splash out a good amount of money, im now left with 2 questions!

1) i have no idea what im doing with all these settings or have a clue what all the terminonly means. Any websites or books i good read for an introduction into photography.

2) and a question i think may cause some arguments- canon 350D or nikkon D50
seems very comprehensive. I also bought an idiots guide to photography off a famous book site for 26p! Im looking for more of a guide on what iso setting is and AF 2.5 etc etc

Im planning on buying either the 350d or nikon d50 tonight when i finish work also :) hehehehe!
done a search for cannon d30 and found a review about it.

One thing the review is missing though is an actual picture of the camera (which i found to be a bit unusual)

is the D30 a fixed lens cam or does can you change lenses?

At work i have a lovely minoltla dynax 7d to play with but boss wont let me take it home to play with (wonder why it only cost him 600 pound notes) and can't afford to pay that kind of money, so looking for something a bit less pricey (figured a second hand , older cam may be the way to go )
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