Newborn not sleeping through the day

3 Apr 2011
Hiya, just any parents willing to offer advice,

our 3 month old son very rarely sleeps through the day (very rarely) and is constantly in a foul mood.

when he does fall asleep he wakes himself up within 10 minutes.

On the other hand he’s easier to get to sleep at night then my older son was (now 3) and sleeps till about 5am but during the day he will not have any decent sleeps and the constant crying is becoming unbearable.

all the usual suspects are checked, winded, clean nappy, not hungry etc.

he’s on comfort formula as he has silent reflux and anti colic bottles but we just cant get him to have a decent sleep.

Me and my wife are pretty good swaddlers, i dunno.

Any idea’s?,
Hmm, we did toy with the idea of a milk intolerance when we were figuring out his reflux as his mum had one as a baby. Something to look into?
Tonight both you and your partner need to get a t shirt and sleep on top of it so both of your smell soaks into it.

Tomorrow when you put him to sleep take both t shirts and place them either side of his head.

It's the fact that you are putting him to sleep and then deserting him that his survival / abandoned skills kick in.

Make sure there is light white noise on after he's asleep and he's on a proper mattress and not just sleeping wherever.

good idea, I’ll definitely try this.
Hi guys OP here.

thank you for the replies,

just a reminder, he sleeps great at night but almost not at all during the day.

we have to use formula as my wife doesn't produce enough milk (on the reflux cow and gate milk which has sorted his reflux out).

he had his health check last week and doctor said he’s healthy and growing well.

Going to try the white noise at some point today to see if that helps.

also me and my wife put a t-shirt in his cot each but as mentioned, nighttime isn’t really a problem as he sleeps till 5am (bottle) and wakes at 7:30 for the day.
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Well, today i tried white noise, clothes in cot and a few other methods.

pretty much cried from 5pm till now and still going as i guess he’s over tired.

had plenty of feeds, nappy, winding and cuddles.

left him in his cot last hour and just screaming none stop, picked him up offer him a drink,a cuddle and nappy change and still kept screaming.

About to go for a drive.
Had similar with our first baby, it turned out he was intolerant to cow's milk protein. Not suggesting there is evidence of that here (given your son seems to sleep better at night) but something to keep in mind. We'd gone through the whole reflux thing, trips to the GP, gaviscon etc but then one day at about 3 months old he had blood in his nappy so we took him to A&E where the doctor figured it out. I was sceptical at first but it made a big difference moving to a formula without cow's milk protein.

damn seeing the blood in the nappy i bet your heart sank!. Scary

after 45 minute car ride my 3 year old was out in 5 minutes, where as baby literally fell asleep just as i pulled on the drive.

Put my 3 year old in his bed etc and just sat in the car playing on my phone for a bit while he slept, this was about 9pm.

i made the mistake of thinking this was him for the night and as soon as i opened the car door he woke up -.-

after about an hour and another bottle he had another good night time sleep, from about 10-4 then woke up at 7:30.
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