Newsgroup Provider

7 Nov 2002
Normally in Bed Sleeping
I know this question has been asked before but i've searched and cannot find the provider i was recomended before its not newshosting or giganews. You could paid via paypal and sign up for a 3 month period. Could someone recomend some and maybe i'll get lucking and find the one I was recomended before.

yeah thats the one. What wasn't so great about them? did they max out your connection?
they did max out my connection some of the time, not all the time though. also you can get much cheaper deals around.

im currently with newshosting. although usenetserver have similar product for the same price.

also look at newsdemon, cost slightly more but have a higher retension - (ive only used the 50gb limit one on here with 8 connections, whereas the unlimited one only has 4).
(im comparing the unlimited accounts btw)
I think i'll give newsdemon a try just because you can pay via switch.

I was on 100proof and it was a good service but i found i had lots and lots of incomplete downloads that constanlty needed repairing.

I have been on newshosting for a few months and i would give it 10/10 not had 1 incomplete file yet.
I went with newsdemon in the end it doesn't apear to be completely maxing my connection but its about 80%. I'll do some more testing when I get home. Please be careful posting in this thread it might be helpful to others, so keep it clean.
im with thundernews on the unlimeted, not bad but only 4 connections. I was with 100proofnews, had their unlimited service with 8 connections which was around max speed on my 8mb line. But they were sneaky and downgraded people to 100gb per month and then 50gb without telling me..
I'm with Newsdemon unlimited. They only just max my 2mb line, I have Zen as a backup though so when connected to both I dont get any fluctuations in speed. Newshosting offer paypal but you need to email them for it, then pay 6 months at a time & only for there unlimited account ;)
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