Newtopia (Korean TV) Prime

Anyone been watching this on Prime? Pretty good mix of humour and horror if you like Korean TV dramas.
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I've been watching this and it's brilliant tbh, it's definitely a bit of a dark comedy more than most of the Korean zombie dramas.

The first couple of episodes are a touch slow, but I'd recommend sticking it out. I just watched the most recent episode, the train scene was somewhere between hilarious and nasty for all the right reasons.
Looks good and i love some of the Korean zombie stuff, but i'm not keen on comedy zombies! I want gore and the hunt for survival! All of Us are Dead, Alive, Train to Busan etc. Buuuuut let me know if it's worth a watch when you finish it :)

The first 2-3 eps border more on Rom-Com, but there's still a fair amount of gore.

The last two episodes have been violent as hell with a ridiculous amount of dismemberment.
Watched a few episodes and can't get into this. It's a rom-com with a bit of zombie stuff in between.

yeah thats fair, its very light hearted and the characters do act irrationally. It does start like that but as @Gray2233 touched on once the zombie aspects comes in full force its gets more crazy and gory by the minute. Can see the rom com stuff detract some people as it does take quite a few episodes for it to wind up.
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Watching the second episode as I type and I’m not sure about it. The comic relief soldier is doing my ******* head in and as much as you can have comedy and zombies in the same program/film, this is a little over the top. I’ll persevere.
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