Next-Gen Lag on HDTV's answered

21 Oct 2002
West Sussex
New article out that may answer a few questions regarding why some people see lag on their HDTV's and some don't. This will concern all next-gen current systems and now is being acknowledged..

HDTV-Gaming-Lag: An Epidemic Exposed

IGN are running an article (a little old we know) which looks at the problems with lag and HDTV gaming. They point out the problems, viabale solutions to the issue and state that most companies have acknowledged the lag issue and plan to include game modes for HDTV set as standard.




HDTV-gaming-lag is an unfortunate consequence of the fact that we are still in the early years of HDTV, especially in terms of videogaming. Some brand-new HDTV models produce a great deal of lag, while other old models are lag-free. Aside from taking your consoles with you to the store, of searching for definitive first-hand reports on the internet, making sure your HDTV of choice is not prone to gaming lag can be a difficult task.

The situation is improving little by little, however. Only a few months ago at CES in January, most representatives from HDTV manufactures had no idea what we were talking about when we tried to grill them on the gaming-lag issue, whereas today most companies have publicly acknowledged the issue and have stated plans to add Game Modes or faster scaling technology to their TVs. We're certainly hoping further progress will come quickly, as the future of videogaming will be divided across the entire resolution spectrum, from the Wii's 480p, to the 360's 720p, to the PS3's 1080p. Coupled with the most serious problem, retrogaming with 480i systems, a future of laggy HDTV could be a serious problem for hardcore gamers. We'll be monitoring this issue closely as time goes by, so stay tuned as things develop.
I've never noticed any on our TV downstairs. It is quite high end (Panasonic 32" 500 series), but to be honest I've not seen any lag on the majority of well-setup screens.
I'd have thought it would be a lot more serious on older HDTVs with ghosting (I guess that's what they're on about, if not a delay between the signal and display), like american sets that have been around a lot longer. I personally have had no issue whatsoever with our HDTV with any sort of lag, and I've also not even hear of anybody moaning about this issue at all.
As the article alludes to, a more serious problem must be what SDTV and last-gen consoles look like on an HDTV, ie. crap. I guess there is no way around that with current LCD technology.
On my dell hdtv I noticed on the saturn through scart there was a lag on a pinball game (that was present on the crt in the living room). Its not ghosting its an actual lag between it creating the images having to scale them. Having said that ive not noticed it on any other console. I run the GC and xbox through component though, might be helping.
No lag on our JVC.

Do get a bit of tearing though, not sure if that's the telly or the games. Be nice if they had something like V-Sync on the 360.
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