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12 Feb 2021
Hello I'm trying to figure out when you maybe do another drop like the last drop you did in a certain section which shall not be named .
Also thoughts on perhaps putting a discount code which was mentioned awhile back discounting the card for xxx amount using a promo code given to us forum members who have been tracking graphics cards since launch as another form and slowing the bots in the process ? . @Gibbo @ScottiB . Cheers guys !
12 Feb 2021
@fs123 hey bud so what i believe OCUK are doing is that they have a stockpile which once they have cleared their warehouse from previous orders and caught up its then they release them for sale obviously avoiding any other gpu launch and dropping hints as to when they may be dropped in the forums section for members still wanting a graphics card etc which I can imagine is hundreds of people on this forums of not thousands , also the fact the way their system runs currently is that their is a lag time from taking orders online to being able to take them off sale hence OCUK manually monitor the sales but the fact is they keep hold of afew thousand at a time because the flow of people buying them compared to how quick they can take them off sale is insane. tho i could be wrong but this is what I've gathered since September 17th
12 Feb 2021
So you class loyal customers as those that only create a forums account and post? Because clearly I've been buying from OCUK For best part of 5+ Years but never seen the point to create a post as I can find majority of the information already on here or Google only reason I asked is to get some sort of hint and clearly scottib has hinted their is very little stock so in otherwords their won't be a drop anytime soon maybe ner end of month but to me your logic is flawed :/
12 Feb 2021
@Gibbo & @ScottiB . Just like to say cheers for all the replies on this and other threads good to see a company actively communicating directly with the customers irregardless of this whole situation I think you've done really well with the solutions you've come up with for many customers I personally had a 3080 in queue but had to cancel for other reason's so I've been following the threads pretty religiously lol but all I can say is when this is all over put your feet up and enjoy a crate or 2 cheers
12 Feb 2021
@Gibbo @ScottiB . Thanks guys bagged myself a 3070 early on today around 3pm !! Appreciate the heads up a lot . I also took a nap after having only 3 hrs of sleep staying up watching everything yesterday/this morning but unfortunately at around 5pm they were listed on stock informer the listing popped up 3 different times for 3 different stock items .I really hope its bots scanning your website and not forum members as this is a service you would not get elsewhere I guarantee. Thanks again guys !!
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