Nexus One vs HTC Desire

Man of Honour
2 Jan 2009
I've decided (whether I can cancel my contract or not :p) to get one of these phones in a few weeks time.

I understand the Desire is basically a "buffed" HTC Hero with more power, better camera etc.

How does the Nexus One compare to it? What do you prefer and why? What phone did you have before you moved to the Nexus/Desire?

Yes, I am reading various reviews but I wanted an OCUK opinion on it ;)

I had an iPhone (overpriced and don't like them), a HTC Hero (I liked it), and at the moment I'm using an N900, which I like, but it doesn't feel enough like a phone to me and its battery is a bit hit and miss :(

Thanks in advance folks :D

I am well aware they are both good phones so I'd rather not have a heated debate about it, but feel free to make any points that you feel are relevant :)
The HTC Desire is a Nexus One with an optical trackpad not a trackball, more memory, and without the dual mic solution.

Get the HTC Desire.
I have a Desire and it's amazing. Though, personally, I think the Nexus is a much better looking phone. There's also more accessories (at the moment) and stuff. Also, you'll get all the updates first because it's stock Android, and it's Google's baby :p

That said, it would probably make more sense to get a Desire..
They're basically the same, both have good points and bad points relative to each other, so call it a draw.

Buy the cheaper one, which is usually the Desire :)
I really like HTC Sense, which integrates with facbook etc so your contacts are update via FB profile updates, along with all the other cool stuff.

however HTC are slow at releasing upgrades... like people say much of a muchness but i'd shoot for the desire personally.
I could live without Sense I don't use the social integration with Sense stuff, instead the official clients for FB/Twitter and I prefer the stock Android launcher too especially launcher rotation.

Heck I should switch to Helix 2 launcher :p
i got n900 and could have got the nexus one but decided the desire was better. More ram and sense is better then stock andriod 2.1.

few things i hate abt desire/nexus one coming from n900, no video codec support but heard divx is coming, no good 3rd party video player.
No hotmail push email.
Text on browser looks poort unless zoom right in(fuzzy effect) few other negs BUT i do like it as i did miss one hand portrait phone. Enjoy the multi touch and do miss n900's keyboard but got used to the virtual one on desire.

Also cannot really use fb chat on fb desktop site as virtual keyboard kinda blocks it or makes it hard unlike the n900.

Desire can only get better,has some nice apps which i missed. I'm waiting for 2.2 update and i hope it wont be like the n900's pr 1.2 update which is taking forver!
The Legend is a buffed Hero. The Desire is not, it is significantly better, with a bigger screen, new generation CPU, more RAM, different form factor, better OS.
[TW]Fox;16524391 said:
The HTC Desire is a Nexus One with an optical trackpad not a trackball, more memory, and without the dual mic solution.

Get the HTC Desire.

And the Sense UI (which I do like).

Desire it is ;)
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