NForce/Pioneer DVD problem

15 Jul 2004
I recently bought a new motherboard, a DFI with an NF4 chipset, popped it in, installed windows through my pioneer DVR-111DSV, once that was up and running, popped a disc in to install sp 2, and nothing. So, I used my other drive, a CD drive, to install sp2 and the rest of my stuff, but the DVD drive won't recognise any disc, you can stick a disc in and it'll pick up that there's a disc in there, but you won't be able to read the disc, I know it works as it was used before I upgraded, and I installed windows off it, I've tried upgrading the firmware, changing IDE drivers from the nforce to the standard drivers (though when windows first loads it's using standard IDE drivers and doesn't work anyway). The only way I've been able to get discs to read in the dvd drive is after updating the drivers through the device manager, it will read discs, but quite slowly, you can get the data off the disc, but it won't play a game or a dvd. And then when you restart it'll go back to not working. Anyone have any ideas?

hiya mate...

so you installed a new DFI mobo and initally the DVD drive worked and now it doesnt??? is that correct? However when you connect your old cd rom drive up everything works fine? is that correct?

Is you DVD RW new? If yes then basically its faulty....I had 2 of these dvd drives 1 after the other and they both gave me the same problems you mentioned so I had to RMA....I then settled for a NEC 4570 as I could not be bothered with all the headache with the pioneer DVD RW...
xirokx said:
hiya mate...

so you installed a new DFI mobo and initally the DVD drive worked and now it doesnt??? is that correct? However when you connect your old cd rom drive up everything works fine? is that correct?

Is you DVD RW new? If yes then basically its faulty....I had 2 of these dvd drives 1 after the other and they both gave me the same problems you mentioned so I had to RMA....I then settled for a NEC 4570 as I could not be bothered with all the headache with the pioneer DVD RW...

The DVD drive is newish, and it was working before I changed the motherboard, it worked when I installed windows from it, it works briefly when you change the driver for the IDE controller in the device manager, but then doesn't work after the next restart. My CD-RW drive works fine, one the same IDE channel. I'm hopeful someone here's had a similar problem with a drive they've managed to sort.
thats what precisely happened to my first one, it worked then it just died......

as it was brand new I had no alternative other than to RMA....

I hope you find the solution...
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