is it possible to use nhs + student discsount at the same time? I know someone who works for the nhs full time but also is a stutent in a uni (Does the work at home) and has NUS card
is it possible to use nhs + student discsount at the same time? I know someone who works for the nhs full time but also is a stutent in a uni (Does the work at home) and has NUS card
Do we get any? I work for a University Hospital, so with my badge I can get the higher education discount, but I don't think there is a 'nhs' discount as such.
I work for a University Hospital and I did not realise this qualifies for the higher education discount. Have you tried this succesfully yourself? Do you have to actually work in an educational capacity or does simply working there qualify?
Oh, what is the discount as a matter of interest?
Do you have a valid NUS card? If do then go to the store, show it and they will give you t he discount.
I'm not quite sure how validation for phone or net transactions are done.
Need to order while on a uni network or it won't let you view the site.
I'm a member of the NHS and attend Uni and the discounts don't put much of a dent in the prices - they're still monolithically high.
Just logged into the site with my NHS discount and I get about £100 off a Macbook Pro:
£1299.00 without discount
£1194.98 with it (and this is the bog-standard model)
Need to order while on a uni network or it won't let you view the site.
Using a VPN puts you on the uni network sillyThat's not 100% accurate.
You can VPN or use special links to access the HE store, outside a uni.
The maximum discount would be a student one afaik and that is about 14%. Which would be a saving of roughly £181 off that Macbook Pro.
Nah, the maximum is HE combined with claiming VAT backnah, the maximum is a business one (including VAT claimback)