NHS Health Check over 40

14 Jun 2004
Gentle reminder if your over 40 your able to get a free NHS health check.

if you havent got one.
have a think about booking a test better to get things sorted sooner than later.

some things sneek up on you with out realising.

todays free advise tip
thats a good attitude ezekial

shout out to the Women as well as i get the impression most people might think this is aimed at men.
please get checked out if your of the female variaty.
enocurage your partners to get tested as well
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Naaa I don't need one, I know I'm ****ed... lol
Had every test known to man done on me during the covid period and they pretty much told me everything else that was wrong with me apart from the orginal thing I went to the GP about.
It was not fun having daily blood tests done. :(
in sure if thats a good thing or bad thing.
hope it was a good thing to get tested and the other thing wasnt an issue..
It looks almost useless really. BMI, Cholesterol and Blood pressure is that it?
ment to do Diabetes also.
it might sound silly but there are benifits.
Diabetes court early can avoid developing
cholesteral leads to heart desiese
high Blood pressure - kidney damage, cardio issue, its classed the silent killer
see the section :

Who is the NHS Health Check for?​

i kinda like my Kidney, and Heart how they are. and i dont fancy stabbing my self with a needle.. unless i have to.

yer they might ask some embarressing questions and you might know your BMI is going to say your over weight ect, and you need to make life style changes but it also gives you a chance to relect were you actually are and might be headed if unmanaged.
some people dont want to know, and thats ok.

some people dont know you can ask for a free check, its the main reason i posted it
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