Nice acoustic guitar for a beginner...

Tanglewood TW28SNQ, get a setup done, file down the bridge and make the action tasty because its stupidly high from stock. Stick some elixer strings gauge 11-52 on it, great sound for under £120.

Yamaha FG is a great choice as well, though they are a bit tinny, easy as to play though.
William said:
Tanglewood TW28SNQ, get a setup done, file down the bridge and make the action tasty because its stupidly high from stock. Stick some elixer strings gauge 11-52 on it, great sound for under £120.

Or buy it from Regents (assuming they sell that one) and pay the extra £20 to get them to do all that for you, so you get a properly set up guitar delivered to your door. :)
Went to Denmark St to check out the Tanglewood last night - it's not a bad guitar, good sounds and plays quite well.

It's going for £114 setup with gig-bag although I might be able to blag that down to £110
cleanbluesky said:
Went to Denmark St to check out the Tanglewood last night - it's not a bad guitar, good sounds and plays quite well.

It's going for £114 setup with gig-bag although I might be able to blag that down to £110
If you can't blag the extra £4 then there's no hope! lol

I managed to blag LOADS when I bought my last guitar..
You should never have to pay for setups with a new guitar..... Infact you should never have to pay for setups and random stuff like picks and strings.

A friend of mine has a Jim Deacon and it cost him £90 I think, with some Elixirs on it sings like a dream but it's a bit boomy as well, you could probably get a nice Yamaha as well around that price.

The reason I mentioned the Tanglewood is because that's what I ended up getting when I started (and hence could remember the model :p), and its not too bad; my only problem with it is that it's a bit tinny and it's stupidly high action which just isn't suited for anyone starting even though it's price is, although a quick ragging with a file sorts that.

The best way is just to play around till you find the sound you like, around that price its hard to find a guitar with a nice balanced sound but you can find one with a sound you like easy.
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I said Yamaha for a starter instrument because you can always sell a Yamaha when you move up to something better, another Yamaha for example ;)
I had a chat with that chap at Regents yesterday and he said whilst Tanglewood used to be great, their quality of wood is no longer manufactured by Cort, thus it's recently gone down the drain.

The Washburn D10S is meant to be superb for the budget. Had a play with one earlier, I liked it, but it was no Yamaha FG720S.
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