Nice looking speakers (and amp?)

18 Jan 2007
Land of the Scots
Hey guys, I've been thinking about getting an amp for my desktop for a little while, got a few things to plug into it like the xbox 360 / sky+ and of course my PC, they're all on the same desk...

Anyone got any suggestions for a cheap(ish) amp with at least one optical in and some nice compact speakers for the desktop (will probably get some surround speakers too at a later date). Obviously will need a subwoofer too...

I'm really quite superficial and would like some speakers that look the part aswell as sound it.
Thanks for the reply, the amp sounds good, and lol I know I'm trying to be cheap where I shouldnt be. And I understand what you're saying about the sub... From what I've heard before I would be looking at about £100 for a decent sub, but never really bought into that, guess its true lol...

Speakers though, they look ok, however I was looking for something a little smaller for the desktop, maybe I'm looking for something I cannot get, I did see some other Mordaunt speakers that were small and desktopy but they were around £150 each...

I think its clear that I should either budget more for the speakers and amp or just stick with some good PC speakers and an okish amp...
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