Nice medieval 2TW video

The battles are real time, as they have been in all total war games. You mean you've never seen or played a total war game!!!???
Hmm decent summary but come on surely calling the campaign map in rome or medieval total war a board game sells it short.
bingham67 said:
I see so campaign turn based then dam :(

Ill check it out anyway hopefully demo soon. :)

If the idea of the campaign in tw puts you off then stategy games (and threads) probably aren't your thing...
Reppyboyo said:
Bah, they should have made a Shogun 2.

Yeah shogun 2 would be nice, however medieval was the superior game imo. Maybe shogun 2 next time.
bingham67 said:
I like them sort of games i just dont like the turn based factor in them think it ruins the flow of the game.

I prefer like Age Of Empires, BFME 2 , etc where you can attack all time not waiting for your turn. :)

Ah right, that's why this thread is about total war games, people who have played total war games will know what they're about. They're quite popular and many appreciate the strategy and tactical thinking involved, and that they do flow and play very well. I find aoe and ea strategy games a bit noobish and lightweight.
ScarySquirrel said:
THat video was awesome, i hope it looks and plays like that in game

Well should do close up, but i've seen a few more videos from the distance and angles in which most are likely to play the game and it still looks very impressive. I'm just waiting for screens of the campaign map, the mtw map remade like the 3d niceness of rtw will be awesome.
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