Nice noise (noise related, don't be noisy)



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast

Going from a 350D to a D70 I thought I'd be experiencing more noise but to be honest with you I am experiencing less!

These are straight form the cam, NEFs jpegged in ACR and no sharpening/NR done in anything
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hey hey hey! I was under peer pressure! from.... those lot *points*
Well, so far so good. Looks liek it's going to be a sunset that's worth capturing in a mo!
probably. I know im many super miles from you but it looks like its going to be a nice sunset.

Nah I agree. Those pictures do show minimal noise. Its more a technique on how you exposure you're shot really. a lot of people who post noisey shots may of needed processing corrections (Which can be fatal in the noise department)

I do like the Nikons better than Canon in only a few ways. But not enough to justify a Nikon system. Glad you have settled on one.
And I made it to the wrong side of town :/ lmao, maybe tomorrow then :p

There's a wealth of options to choose from now in this syste so I will have to get used to them all in due time :D
The 1600 shot is, well, very noisy, esp on the phone, tube, and the green bit in the background by the tube opening. The 800 still has prominent noise imo. The 400, when compared to the 200 has a barely discernible increase in noise and wouldn't bother me.

This is the only reason keeping me from wanting to go Nikon next year (was planning on a D70 too). The only reason I don't want Canon is the 350D is too small, and the 30D is a bit too £££ (but perhaps when the next gen/new competition from Sony/Panasonic etc hits the market, things might change).
Also remember in between the normal iso range you have 250/320/500/640/1000/1250 etc so there is loads of scope to fine tune what you shoot and how much noise you would like.

Fstop11 said:
More than with Canon? What options are you talking about?

There is a lot to go through but some of the more key ones include more otpions to customise image parameters (several tone/colour/hue optionsetc as well as some other image settings, centre weighted meter diameter control, various monitor/meter timing options, image comments, loads on AE/AF bracket control and fine tuning which I'm trying to grasp at the mo, rather know what they all do that leave it on "default" - There is more too. I kinda wish I had the 350D where i could just whack on parameter 2, whack on M, whack on a lens and frame and shoot :( :p


On the ISO1600/1000 ones can anyone else see a kind of weird faint horizontal band? it's like a band of noice perhaps? only visible just about above 1000iso to my eyes.
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danza said:
The 1600 shot is, well, very noisy, esp on the phone, tube, and the green bit in the background by the tube opening...

I'm amazed at commnets like this. Are we looking at the same picture? Perpahs it's just me. Does anyone remember the football sized grain you used to get with 400ASA film?? I'm probably showing my age ... ;)
WHATS THAT?! Keep it down old chap, you'll wake the neighbours with all that noise :p

Mohain said:
I'm amazed at commnets like this. Are we looking at the same picture? Perpahs it's just me. Does anyone remember the football sized grain you used to get with 400ASA film?? I'm probably showing my age ... ;)

Hehe. Tis the problem with the digital age. People think noise is bad. Try shooting on Ilford 3200 at a gig. You don't hear people complaining about noisy film shots. You used to get people adding in noise to their photos to make them like film. I for one am happy with my 10D and its noise. I would prefer a 20/30D though just so I can push it that extra bit.
cyKey said:
WHATS THAT?! Keep it down old chap, you'll wake the neighbours with all that noise :p

Hehe. Tis the problem with the digital age. People think noise is bad. Try shooting on Ilford 3200 at a gig. You don't hear people complaining about noisy film shots. You used to get people adding in noise to their photos to make them like film. I for one am happy with my 10D and its noise. I would prefer a 20/30D though just so I can push it that extra bit.
Blah try shooting T-Max 3200! now thats a noisey film!
After careful consideration and a more extended play with the 30D I must admit it is a very nice tool :eek: i think it's the menacing 2.5" lcd where the iso3200 shots are shown that steals it.

I'm concerned with the d70s horizontal band at above iso1000 though and *** store only had one body in so I may just return it!

this is so silly now heh
mrk said:
After careful consideration and a more extended play with the 30D I must admit it is a very nice tool :eek: i think it's the menacing 2.5" lcd where the iso3200 shots are shown that steals it.

I'm concerned with the d70s horizontal band at above iso1000 though and *** store only had one body in so I may just return it!

this is so silly now heh

Come onto IRC so I can beat you with fish. Just pick a body! :p
Well, I'm not too worried about the noise, it's well controlled as you can see from the first link of samples I did! - theonly worry is the banding at above 1000iso - it seems everytime i get a new "toy" it has an issue, when I first bought the 300D (first dslr) 2 years ago I had it replaced 3 times and when the 3rd ones shutter died canon took ages fixing it and left a finger mark on the mirror!! and now the d70s has strange band on high iso shots...bah!

I just prefer more the nikon bodies !
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