Nice UK BF2 Servers

Vanilla sucks.

Give this a go:

Play here:

Decent admins always available ;)
=BTK= Born To Kill server 16867 runs Karkand Infy Only .. its a 20 man server at present but more slots being added at end of the month .Oh and Wednesday is Special Forces Day then it runs Warlord Infy Only. Or drop in @ for more info.
UK Coalition server. can't remmember the IP but have a search for them. THey have good team members that actively try to get people to play as a team. Often they will be the ones resupplying and healing.
I've just bought this again, is BF2 still active? Easy to find a server with a large number of players? Do I need special forces?
Adam said:
I've just bought this again, is BF2 still active? Easy to find a server with a large number of players? Do I need special forces?

There is still loads of servers and players out there, not sure about Uk ones I just play ones with the lowest pings or Dpt sniper servers.

Don't think BF2143 or whatever its called really took off.
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