Night City Photos.

5 Jul 2003
Atlanta, USA
Im currently in my room, in Akasaka, Toyko, Japan, looking at a breathtaking view of downtown Tokyo.
Problem is that i cant get a decent picture of it. :(

Ive tryed with both my K800 & a Canon S80 that i have with me.

Any tips?

Thanks in advance all. :)
The picture itself is clear, its just not picking up the detail, like all the many lights from the skyline itself.
brocksta said:
:eek: im hoping to go tokyo in feb to visit my cousin, whats it like out there? is there plenty of pics to be had?

You probably wont have much luck getting a decent shot with the k800i, whats the spec of the s80?
Ive only been here a day upto now, plenty of wacky things to photograph.
The flight was a pain in the rear though.

The only spec on the S80 that i know of is that its a 8MP camera with optical & digital zooms on it.
Ive been playing around and have managed to get the pictures looking a lot better. Dont know what settings i changed though! Its the setting that allows me to cycle through a load of 'fractions'. If that makes sence, thats with the camera set to manual. Using that function i can change the picture from really dark to really light. So i can adjust it as nessessary.

The only problem is that every picture i take lacks the natural light. For example, its been a pretty bright day today, but every photo looks like its on the verge of raining (ie; dull).

Why cant the camera just 'take what it sees'. My K800 can do that, so why cant this supposidly better Canon camera do the same?

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The pictures are 4Mb+. Theres no image hosts that i know of that'll host an image that size for me.

I can live with manually adjusting the shutter speed to get the right 'brightness', but how do i get it to take pictures that look 'natural', with the natural light showing? If that makes sence?.
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Ive got the night shots sorted. Its just the day shots now, they all appear very dull.
Ive had a play around with the photoeditor built into VistaRC1, and while i can make them look just as colourful as they should be, they still look 'dull'.
Is this going to be something that i can fix digitally?
If someone wants to add my msn (in trust), i can chuck a few pictures over that, makes it easyier to talk? If anyones willing?
Thanks for the tip dunker, but the detail in the pictures are fine. Its just the 'light'. As in they all look like its on the verge of raining, when its actually a sunny day.
I know about Gimp, im running Linux/Vista dualboot on my lappy atm. ;)

Forgot about my Zen webspace :p, so here you go people:

This is a before & after i messed with the settings:

The below pics look fine detail wise, just lack sunlight:
So basically, without going to 'extreme' or 'inconvienient' lengths, these are the best im gonna get from the camera sunlight wise?
If so, then im ok with that, as in all honesty, they arnt that bad of pictures, very detailed, and nothing that a quick session in a photo session cant go someway to fixing.

Thanks for the help guys & gals. :)
Much appriciated. :)
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