Night shots on k750i

18 Oct 2002
The Castle
For those of you that don't know, a k750i is a phone :eek:

Was walking home late at night on Sunday and fancied taking a few shots. A bit of noise removal and colour tweaking and these really aren't half bad I don't think. Was quite fortunate to time it right for the car in the second, horrible shutter lag :p

Bit blurred. I feel like I was drinking with you...

Some of the other shots on this forum from that phone are great. Night and strong lights must be too much for it.
hoodmeister said:
I think the noise would have been better :/

These look like they've been dragged through mud. Still good for a phone, though.

I'm not so sure... did I ever show you the gig photos I took with mine ?



They aren't the best examples but it can get VERY noisy. Even more noisy than a D70 :eek:
hoodmeister said:
The top shots are really, really filtered.

Agreed, but I still smile and like though because its the output from a phone!! :cool:
Surely this is about the best performance you can get from a lens that is a couple of millimeters across, no matter how many megapixels you add to a phone?
Night shots arent brilliant although they do sell a flash, dont know how good it is though. But day shots are excellent.

Im quite proud of that photo actually lol :cool:
i have some great shots on mine from this year in Ibiza,
funniest moment was nearly getting kicked out of Amnesia
for using it LOL

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