Nightmare on Elm Street

27 Mar 2007
Hello all. Sorry about posting at this time of the morning.

Just watched Nightmare on Elms Street.

Has anyone else seen this movie :rolleyes: stupid quesion im sure,

Could someone explain the ending for me. It sorta threw me

p.s Are there any more in the series.

Would rate it 6/10. Was kinda lame, and had aged poorly.

Still it was worth it to see the look on my dads face :D

He thought it was good but thought the ending was ****
lol hell yeah!

I wasnt bad, just the ending wasnt clear at all.

It shoulda been either "they got away and lived happily ever after" or "OMG it looks like they were sliced and diced"

Just my 2pence worth :o
p.s speaking of which is Children of Men any good?

Its really wierd. Where I live there is only one movie rental place for literally 60miles in any direction.

All their DVD's have got Not for Rental on them.

Is this allowed or are they on the sly?

Dont care personally as the film seems to be the same
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