Nikon AF-S 24-120mm VR ED

29 Oct 2003
Perivale, London

i have been looking on ebay for a Nikon AF-S 24-120mm VR ED and there is a seller from Hong Kong selling them for just under £300 with a feedback of 11500 + and only a negative of 85 so is there any reason that i should not buy from this seller ?

if so could someone please tell me why as i am wondering why the price is almost £200 cheaper then any where here in the uk.
Joe T said:
VAT and import duty basically.

Some HK sellers do deals on certain auctions where they will refund VAT and duty. Digital-Rev being one of them.


they say they We warrant NO UK duty/VAT for this item

if i am ok to post the sellers name then i will do, is it ok ?
bigredshark said:
you take your chance with HK sellers, some are good, some not tbh.

I'd also have a good read of reviews of the 24-120 VR before you buy it, I had one and sold it a few weeks back as it's not the sharpest thing in the world, which is something reviews warn about...

ok thanks for the advice maybe you could recommend me a good walk around lens to go on my D50 which will give me very sharp pictures and still has a very good zoom

at the moment i have the 18-55 which came with the D50 and i have a Tamron 70-300
Joe T said:
I have imported with them. If they say no VAT/duty, just check out the process for reclaiming it. Should be ok after that.

I bought a lens for £1150 from HK (used Digital-Rev). Reclaimed VAT/duty/brokerage charge ok. It's quite fun tracking something worth that kind of dosh across the world on the UPS tracking system :p

do you think i could get a better lens for that sort of money that will give me a shaper picture ?
well i am new to SLR cameras so any advice i can get from here is good advice as far as i am concerned :D

i have looked at the 18-200 VR but it was more then i wanted to pay at the moment but if there is any other lens that is recommended that would still give me a good zoom then please say ;)
bigredshark said:
It's not bad, less sharp than it could be I've been told and it lacks AFS (indeed it's been replaced by an AFS version I believe so you'd have to get one second hand)

bottom line, it's not a walk about lens, it offers nothing over the 18-70 DX lens (the extra reach probably won't be noticed and it's not as wide)

ok then it looks like i will be going for the 18-70 :D which should still be better than my 18-55 kit lens

Thanks for all your advice on this post

p.s. is Kerso a ebay member with an ebay shop called "FLASH CAMERA" and if so would i be best to ask him for a price on this lens ? only i see most of his stuff is canon.
bigredshark said:
It'll give you a little bit more but go and try one before you buy it off ebay, make sure it's going to make a difference, for me i went from the 18-70 to the 17-55 and didn't notice loosing the extra reach, so you want to make sure you do notice it!

have you got the Nikon 17-55mm AF-S f/2.8G IF-ED Dx as thats a lot of money or have i got the wrong lens
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