Nikon D700 Sold Out?

16 Jul 2011
Cumbria, Ambleside
Seem to be sold out of most if not all places now?

Was the release of the D600 the final nail in the coffin so to speak?

I thought they were going to run it along side the D800.

or is this a ploy so as The cheapest FF Nikon is now costing around 2K?
They was discontinued months ago now so finding a brand new one will be hard to impossible. The D600s sensor according to DxO mark is reportedly better also, yet just in an inferior body.
As above, D700 has long since been discontinued, D600 has a much better sensor, D800 much better sensor and all around camera so there is no market for a D700. Have a look second hand for used D700s on the cheap from people upgrading.
I just managed to pick a D700 with 956 shots - perfect cond with charger - x2 batt - strap, Was supposed to be £1099.99 + £10 for shipping for some reason i was only charged £1009.99 inc shipping Bonus.
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D600 has a much better sensor, D800 much better sensor and all around camera so there is no market for a D700.

Much for the D600 is a total exageration, slightly would be far more accurate and of course there is a market for the d700 still at the right price other wise the last of the stock wouldn't have flown off the shelves it's just that Nikon have decided that they want to market a newer body at a higher price/profit point.
Much for the D600 is a total exageration, slightly would be far more accurate and of course there is a market for the d700 still at the right price other wise the last of the stock wouldn't have flown off the shelves it's just that Nikon have decided that they want to market a newer body at a higher price/profit point.

Much would be an accurate description! You have 2 extra stops of dynamic range which is ahug improvement, not often you get improvements of 4x in electronics world. Imagine intel releasing a CPu that was literally 4 times faster than their previous. There is at least 1 stop increased ISO performance- the difference between shooting at f2.8 and 2.o of f4.0 and 2.8 or having images at ISO 6400 that look like ISO 3200 is a big deal! All the while the resolution has increased and the pixel density doubled.

You have an extremely strange sense of scaling if you think doubling or quadrupling performance in crtical image areas is slight. The biggest weakness of digital cameras and the reason many kept with fim was DR, the d600 offers 4x the DR cf. the D700. If every manufacturer could improve sensors at this pace at all times then maybe it wouldn't be surprising but others cannot. Canon struggle to improve DR by even 1/3 stop, so a 2 stop improvement on a camera that was already one of the best is a large step forwards.
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