Nikon D7100 upgrade to D500?

27 Jan 2005
Hello all,

Had my Nikon D7100 for 3-4 years now. Got a few lenses for it. flash, hoods ect.

Really like the camera, how it feels, button placement. But one thing ive struggled on with it is auto focusing. Even to the point i paid $100 for a program to auto fix this with the fine tune built in. Works great for primes, no so good for zooms.

From about 100 shots, I would expect 30-40 to be just out of focus.

If i use live view, this drops to about 2 or 3.

Would you uprade to the D500 due to this issue? As i am told this camera doesnt have it, also started to do sports shots so the extra shots per sec would be welcomed.

Any one else moved from 7100 to 500 ?


Thanks for the replies. I am looking at the D810 as well as i do love clouds and landscapes. The D7100 would be great, but the focus issue is really annoying. It may be me, so i am throwing more light on to subjects to see if its just me not knowing what i am doing. I willl test out all the types of focus on the camera and see how i go. If it was the same issue in live view i would point the finger at me. Alas, that is not the case, Could still be me though.

Not sure how you put photos up here from my pc.
Not an issue Holst1981, it has answered some of my other questions :)

For me, im kind of in a odd situation. I love landscape and skyline photos. Love doing the cosplay photos , mainly one person shots / face. And now sometimes go to rugby and take photos there. So, a little of everything.

I find though that the guy next to me with the Canon, when we compare shots, he has a lot more in focus than I. It could be im using the wrong mode. I will need to double check the settings and go from there.

Lens wise, my workhorse is the 17-55mm. Backed up with a nikon 10-24 and a 70-200 VR. I will get some photos done this weekend, no editing and try to show them. See what people think and go from there. If i dont have to upgrade and it is me doing something silly, i can live with that. Saves me money! Any excuse to get out and do more photos right ;)

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I did buy a program called Focal [ or something like ] auto tool you need a computer for. It worked fine on prime lenses, zooms still have issues [ although not as much ]. They brought out a new version of it, 4 months after my 12 months ran out. Im not paying for it again. By focus I do mean the Fine Tune on the D7100.

Its a great camera, but as i have said before. When you lose 50% + to out of focus, while your friend next to you gets 90%+ in focus. You may think it is me.

We swapped cameras , same results. It has got so bad that I now take 3-4 times the photos i want just to make sure i get enough in focus.

I have not sent the camera to Nikon, was not aware that was an option. Good idea, will look in to that. I keep thinking i should go full frame as i love sky line photos. But the cost of lenses is too much. Why i was looking at the D500. I will though look at the D7200 as well.
Good points. I will go back to the AF system and see what I can do. Like everything else, I need to practice more. Glass wise ive done ok so far. Just wish the photos were pin sharp.
Right now, no. work is keeping me a tad busy. But i will try to get some this weekend and then work out how to put them in here. Thanks for the reminder.

Just annoying that the lenses on my fuji S5 work perfectly fine for focus, yet the 7100 seems to have many issues with them. could be me though..
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