Nikon D780 and Nikon D6

I haven't had time to review the differences between the D780 and the Z6 but I am currently at a loss to explain the justification to buy a D780 as opposed to a used Z6 given the cost?

Greater range of lenses both new and used?? Better battery life?? I was talking to someone who had a Z6 and they were not happy about the battery life. But the biggest threat is the D850 which is not far off the price both new and used. Also even though the D780 has better video,and a slightly better sensor and AF,a new D750 is under £1000 now.
I'm glad you mentioned that. I own both the D750 & D850 but was thinking of part-exchanging the D750 for the Z6. I'm assuming all F-mount lenses will fit and be usable on a Z6 with the adapter-unless I'm mistaken? I'm assuming the change from the D750 to the Z6 would still be the better option for me?

I would just find another D850?? They are under £2000 used now. Maybe wait a bit and see if the D780 drops in price??
These are my issues with the D780 and some aspects of the D850 so I'll stick with the Z6 or Z7, though on a cost by cost basis the former would be cheaper:
I still don't see the point though - you get worse battery life with the Z series as I told you from the experience of someone I know. You also have to adapt the existing lenses. Just get another D850 or maybe wait for the second generation of Z series bodies.

Even if you are wanting better video, there are probably better balanced systems from other companies. If you want something smaller,then maybe get a Fuji XT camera(I did).

I mean I use an old D600 for airshow work and a mate abroad uses their D850 for safari work all the time,so what exactly is lacking with your current system as you have a D850 too. Is it upgradetitus? Your equipment is hardly old - a family member's F2 still works! :p
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I also developed a general dislike for optical viewfinders after going from an XT3 where I was spoilet somewhat rotten by the accuracy of its EVF.

Liveview is great for macro work so can see why a MLC might be high in the list. But dunno why you got rid of the XT3?? Surely higher DoF would be advantageous with an APS-C system and the Fuji 80mm macro is meant to be very good!

The D850 viewfinder seemed fine to me,but interestingly this photographer went full circle from a D850 to an XT3 to a GF100 back to a D850:

One of the reasons was the viewfinder ironically enough and I am still concerned with battery life(EVs such down power). With my XT10 it's not such an issue but I certainly noticed it compared to my Nikon during airshows,etc when I am shooting 1000 to 2000 images with a longish telephoto lens.

It's probably why I am going to bypass the fist generation of Z series cameras myself.
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