Nikon D80

18 Apr 2004
Its out but what do people think, I personally dont like it because of the memory card format, however its perfectly suited as a replacement for the D50 but it isnt designed to replace the D50 so why an SD memory card?
SD memory is faster and it doesn't use a pin interface so there is no chance of suffering from bent pins :)
Because SD is a consumer memory format, all the pro stuff in on compactflash. It's another way to differentiate between the D80 (D200 lite) and the D200, memory format, frame rate and build qaulity...
bigredshark said:
Because SD is a consumer memory format, all the pro stuff in on compactflash. It's another way to differentiate between the D80 (D200 lite) and the D200, memory format, frame rate and build qaulity...
Not true, all companies sell high end SD cards i.e. Lexar Pro and Sandisk Ultra II and Extreme III.
There's a the beginnings of a move away from CF as a medium even in pro kit - the current 1DMkII & 1DsMkII both take CF and SD cards. Given that SD has shown itself, in pro form, to be significantly quicker than the equivalent range of CF I wouldn't be surprised if we start seeing Canon bodies that are SD only soon.
bigredshark said:
not my point, pro kit uses compact flash
As rpstewart also said, the Pro Canon bodies (1D MKII and 1Ds MKII) support both Compact Flash and SD with dual writing capability.
nolimit said:
I'm poor student.

It's actually bigger (taller) and heavier than the D50, it's difficult to see why you'd want something the size of a D70/D200, they're heavier still and unless you can afford serious lenses (even my D200 doesn't balance very well wirth the 70-200 attached.) they offer no handling advantage.

The D80 is a D200 is a lower quality body with a slower frame rate and SD cards. It also (remarkably, I didn't expect it) has a battery grip available.
Fstop11 said:
The Canon 1's use both for dual writing functionality.

You can pick up a 1gig Extreame III SD for about 33 pounds now! Bargain!
SD is smaller and lighter too, plus mobile phones are using it.

True, I'm a nikon user so I wouldn't know but I expect it'll move to a new format at some stage soon, probably SD i suppose. I picked up a couple of crucial 2GB compact flash card for £40 each the other day, not the fastest about but cheap!
Fstop11 said:
The Canon 1's use both for dual writing functionality.

You can pick up a 1gig Extreame III SD for about 33 pounds now! Bargain!
SD is smaller and lighter too, plus mobile phones are using it.

Hmm, £33 so about the same price as a genuine Extreme III CF card then :p

Interesting Camera the D80.....
Cf are higher capacity, faster and cheaper I don't understand why some companies downgrade memory features in their products.
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