Nikon F6 Digital?

9 Mar 2004

Im interested in the 35mm Nikon F6 camera, but would like to know if there is also the SAME model available but as a digital version?

Ive searched, but have found nothing stating that there is.

To be a bit pedantic, the D200 would probably be closer to the F6 considering the form factor :) (Half height + Optional Grip, as opposed to the full-height body of the D2 series)
I suppose the D2-series does have CAM2000 (The speed and torque is just amazing... makes non AF-S feel like AF-S, I tell you!) Oh, and the F6 viewfinder... those are the kind of things that really makes me want to go out and take photos, just so that I get to use the amazing equipment more :)
I'm 58, and I can assure you that digital photography is only an extension of film photography, I love both, couldn't bare the thought of giving up all my old SLR stuff. Buy a cheap digital compact and give it a twirl (just paid £150.00 for Canon A540 ) and work them side by side, its still photography, the difference is you see it through to the end, as opposed to posting them off to the developers ( apologies if you develop your own )
I jumped straight in from 35 years of SLR photography to the Canon 10D, booked my self on a Canon Seminar in Gloucester (felt a bit out of place nearly everybody had the Mark II D ) still I enjoyed the day out with fellow photo nuts. :)
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