Nikon's L glass equivalent?

9 Jan 2005
As title really, looking for a lens between 200 and 300mm at a price between £400 and £600. Was going for the 18 - 200 VR Nikon but the image quality isnt as sharp as I expected (when tested in the shop). Can somebody point me in the right direction? Really looking for something but can't put my finger on it. Can be 3rd party brands too, if they live up to my requirments.


Need a high speed AF as I will be using it for airshows, grand prix, etc,...

I have just looked in to the 100 - 300 sigma and it is starting to grow on me. attractive price and good features.

i feel like whacking out the cc. holding back until i get to test it in the shops.

thanks for the info...
I have phoned the local well known high street retailer who have the sigma in stock. asked to hide it so I could pop down and have a fiddle. if it ticks the right boxes then I can see myself getting it. hopefully it wont be too heavy.
it wasnt that i rushed out and bought the body. I sat thinking for ages on what system to invest in. i chose nikon becasue the 18-70mm lens is so nice and the 18-200VR is too (which is still growing on me). I just recieved my 18-70 for £159 and it is a great lens! They do some great kit but they are falling behind compared to canon at the moment, especially in the L glass area. Hopefully they have something up their sleeves, for their sake. quit releasing new cameras and get some lenses on the go is what I say!
and will it competitively priced for the joe public and not just for pro's. One major point nikon needs work on. (the rumoured 70-300)
The Sigma 70-200 f2.8 and 100-300 f4 are on my shopping list. Reading reviews throughout the day they seem to be very highly rated. All I need to do now is pop into town and test them out.

*Prepares himself to break the news to the missus!*
Brycheiniog said:
I have the 100-300 F4 and it is a Fantastic lens for the money. Some examples: (TOOK IMAGES OUT)

They are really quite nice!

(work computers blocked the links, couldnt see them earlier)
bigredshark said:
well well, 70-300 ED VR AF-S alphabet soup edition, the rumours i heard were right, 400 sheets? This could be something quite special, slow 300mm end excepted!

£399 is anexceedingly good price! Might have to stick it out a little longer! Oh the temptations to go out and buy now now now!
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