Nildram maxADSL dg834gt problem

21 Sep 2003

I tried to do a search and didnt find anything that I could relate to specifically.

Recently I decided to regrade to an 8mb maxADSL solution from a 2mb connection. I have a Netgear dg834gt and its been running fine for quite a while with my 2meg adsl, no drop outs and no problems.

But now that Im in the first 10 day phase of this maxadsl its been freezing within online gaming repeatedly with the only solution to be a reboot of the router. The line is still in sync, but the internet has lagged out and basically does not work unless I reboot the router. Ive searched around and it seems some customers of maxadsl and this router are getting quite low Noise Margins, so here is the stats I am getting from the router:

ADSL Link Downstream Upstream
Connection Speed 6752 kbps 448 kbps
Line Attenuation 41.0 db 24.0 db
Noise Margin 6.1 db 24.0 db

When I lagged out of a game today I checked the noise margin for downstream and it was close to 2. If I move the wire going from my router to the telephone socket ( and filter inbetween), the noise margin can change by a few decimal points. It seems to change randomly, I have had it up at a maximum of 8, and as low as 2. I cant seem to work out if this is normal for the first 10 days or if there is a problem here.

If there is a problem, and its with this router specifically, which wireless router do you advise I get that will sort all this out? My 2meg connection was flawless and I always attained maximum download speed on most files, but with this maxadsl I cant seem to break 4 meg, and its been as low as 1.5meg at one point, it is very random in speed tests.

Any ideas?
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