NIN - Live DVD Beside You In Time trailer

Got my tickets for Brixton and Nottingham. Had to see them in Brixton again after the With Teeth tour where the sound and lights were the best I've ever seen.
Sweet... I'll make sure I get down to Notts at about 3pm tomorrow then :D Really pleased with what I've heard of the new album so far (officially through The Spiral) and really really looking forward to tomorrow, this'll only be my second time seeing them live.

I'm considering trying to stick it out at the barrier tomorrow then take a further back spot at Brixton to appreciate the lights.
If it's any help everyone I've talked to on the tour so far has said NIN have started at 9pm and finished around 10:40pm... I'll let you know when the Brixton show on the 8th finishes though.
Started 9:05pm on Thursday night and finished at shortly before 10:40pm - absolutely awesome show :D
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