Nine months in 5 minutes!

18 Oct 2002
Temuka, New Zealand
Hello folks, nine months ago I left the UK for NZ, I had to wait for my pc's to come over in a container so I thought I would be away for a month or two. With RL and stuff getting in the way I seem to have lost track of time!
What's the in thing in crunchyland at the moment? I'm stuck with an ancient Q6600 at 3.15Ghz that I've had for ages and minimal (read none!) GPU power.
I can't do anything that's too interactive as I'm on a mobile dongle for interweb and I've go that near maxed out on a 4 Gb contract :(
Hi diogenese
Allthough you don't have gpu power which is where most of the points are earned you can just use your cpu with seti, once you have boinc configured and have enough work you can set it to connect as little as once every 10 days so it should be easy on your internet dongle.
Take a look at this weeks seti news and there are some usefull links at the bottom of the page and there's allways someone ready to lend a helping hand should you need it.
Cheers sah
TBag :)
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